Broadcasted on the 26th of October 2009
Steppas Choice 95: Koolkat1, Zenit & C4TR
Second one on the 2009 FM Sessions and oh yes! the studio is equipped with a brand spanking new Mixer! I did a little test on it already before this show (you can read about it here: Mr. Wrigth’s Bass Dawa) and I love it!
You can hear it, Zenit, Koolkat1 and me myself and I were enjoying the new mixer a lot… Nice inbuilt effects which you can apply on the channels or the Mic… Lovely! Well, probably I pushed it a bit; excitement was overwhelming me! Zenit and Koolkat1 were serving a solid dose of proper skankers, from Dub inflicted to proper Bass Bangers, it’s all there…
As I was listening to the show, during I wrote this, I realised that it seems that we had also some technical difficulties during this one… it seems that the stream wasn’t working properly all the time; bad news for those tuned in over the web; no problem for those we reached over the FM Frequency.
I’m always very curious when I have them boys in the studio. What will they have in there record bags? New Dubs from the Bassvandalizm Squad? New Dubs from friends of them?
In my opinion, the Radio Dadio / Bassvandalizm troops are one of the most active crews in Switzerland. They’re constantly doing excellent parties at Coupole, BNZoo or at Case a Chocs, Neuchatel; the tracks they build are getting with every single one a bit more sophisticated, better and filled with more Bass!
The newest bits of Faustizm & Zenit, both solo and them lot together, become instant favourites of mine. When I spoke with Zenit, I realised that they have a lot of time to spend on producing music. And I have to say I’m a bit jealous of them but also very, extremely happy when I receive the newest track!
So please make sure you check the Bassvandalizm Homepage and support them when ever you can!
I certainly will support them on the Steppas Choice Radio Show and when ever I have time to go to their parties, you will see me in front of the Tribute Soundsystem Speaker doing a proper skank out or near the decks either hosting or asking for a reload!
Maximum Respect to the Radio Dadio / Bassvandalizm Crew!
Big up to Zenit and Koolkat1 for supporting the show!
Download the Show:
Steppas Choice 95: Koolkat1, Zenit & C4TR
Essential Linkage:
Bassvandalizm Homepage
Radio Dadio Homepage
Greetings and may the Bass be with you!