C4TR's Birthday Bash
To celebrate my Birthday I selected some of the most upfront Sound System Music DJs to come and grace a monstrous heavy weight bass show. So I proudly announce the killer line up for my Birthday Bash:
Phrex & Cutkachi (Blazin' Dubs)
Taiken & Flexible (Tengu Collective)
According to this massive Line Up the show has to start early and end late. So we start with the bass waves at 19h CET and take you through to the hours of eleven.
So make sure your logged in, logged on and don't forget to tell a friend to tell a friend to tell a friend to tell a friend!
Steppas Choice 318: C4TR's Birthday Bash: Phrex, Cutkachi, Taiken, Flexible - Hosted by C4TR
Monday, 3. February 2014
19-23h CET
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Steppas Choice
Every Monday >> 21-23h CET >> www.radioradius.ch