As so often I got sick with the start of my holiday… lucky me that the spirit of LDN is still touching me every time I got there. It’ s like an addiction to sock up LDN overall experience like a roast socking up the gravy. So as long as I was running through the city from record store to record store and from bookstore to some wired stores I was feeling fine. Especially when walking down Oxford Street and looking into a side street and seeing right behind a Royal Mail Distribution Centre on this huge wall one of my favourite Banksy Pieces… gosh was I excited!
But problems started in the hotel room. I was really feeling sick. Body temperature wise it was hopping around between cold and warm, freezing and sweating. Got a head like a giant after a heavy bank holyday weekender with no sleep and heavy drinking experience.
Sunday Night >> FWD
Would I make it? Into the next pharmacy got me that funky day and night nurse and… yes we did go and it was pure vibes.
D-Bridge was playing some nice low down subby soulful tunes, which will be released sometime next year probably on his own imprint Exit Recordings. Absolutely meditation styleizm.
Martyn, who was there to launch his new LP, was going right through some of his biggest hits. Predict: Very danceable and minimalist with massive Bass.
SP:MC, who was hosting D-Bridge’s and Martyn’s Set was doing his ting the way I like it… essential and in the right momrnt; not too much not too little
Kode9 and Spaceape, I’m very ashamed of, I missed completely… fever has taken me…
Plastic People was crowded, too crowded. The usual curtain was a way and the room was smashing full from front to back! I’m telling you as we went it was nearly impossible to get to the door, we had to squeeze trough a wall of human bodys mostly standing ‘cause you couldn’t dance because of the masses of people that where in there… but still it was much peace fuller than the last Dubstep Upfront Party at LeZoo…
Which reminds me of … don’t miss this one… I’m probably not gonna make it… still in the flu man mode…
One usefull information for the seekers of the freshest vinyl:
Uptown Records in D’Arblay Street doesn’t exist anymore… but no worries it isn’t completely gone. It’s now located in Lexington Street a bit further south but still in Soho.
I found there some rare Grime Vinyls, some hot stepping White Labels and good T-Shirts and the staff there is also outstanding… hope that Logan Sama get back to me concerning my request from the shop! Defo a place not to miss on your LDN Trip.
Spent the whole Monday and Tuesday in Bed which is a bloody shame when being in London but simply couldn’t make it out of bed…
Quiet strange coincident: A year ago on the weekend I left LDN to go back to good ol’ Switzerland the Camden Market burned down and caused a massive traffic jam on the streets of LDN and on the Tube System. This time it was some kind of office complex with the same aftermath…
Oh gosh… bloody flu… I’m on my way back to bed…
Take care of yourself!
May the Bass be with you!
All pictures in this Blog-Entry and in the entire Blog are no animation to paint unlawfully or to break the laws in anyway!
oooh, poor sick casper! such a shame! we need you here in bern for that triangle-conference! you know it! gueti besserig breda!
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